Fixed bug for not loading Extra Components of Products when the program is restarted.
Fixed bug for not showing the header of Extra Components table when the Parts or Products are printed.
Fixed bug for not loading Extra Components of Products when the program is restarted.
Fixed bug for not showing the header of Extra Components table when the Parts or Products are printed.
Cut index on graphics starts from 1 instead of 0 to match the rows number from Pieces list table.
Fixed a bug where the Enabled column of Parts and Stock was set to true after a paste operation even if that cell or row was not affected by the paste operation.
Add the Cut higher-level strips first option for Multi-Stage cutting optimization. This will only affect the order or cuts. If this option is set, then all level 0 cuts are performed first, then all level 1 cuts, and so on.
Fixed a bug where the level of some cuts were incorrectly calculated when the Trim was greater than 0.
All technical settings related to Multi-Stage optimization have been moved to a new window which is shown after pressing the Advanced button on the Settings | Technical | Rectangular window.
The Settings | Technical | Rectangular window has been reorganized.
Trim all edges from beginning has been moved from General settings window to Rectangular settings window since this option is (currently) taken into account only by the rectangular optimizer.
Improved the multi-stage algorithm.
Fixed bug for not updating the cuts list in Statistics after settings were changed.
Fixed a bug where the index of the cut was (partially) covered by the cut itself when the Oxy origin was set to the bottom of the window.
Change of behavior when for the trim when the Trim all edges at beginning (from menu Settings|Technical|General) is not checked. Previously, the Left and Top trims were automatically performed and only the Right and Bottom trim were sent for optimization. Now, the original trims (for all edges) are sent to the optimizer for “trim-as-you-go“.
When a piece is manually removed from the graphic results, it will not be removed from the Parts table. Instead it will be marked as unused (the row is colored differently).
Shows an error message when trying to manually insert a piece in a trim or in another waste where it does not fit.
Draw trim rectangle with a different fill pattern than the regular waste.
Show trim of the waste in the Stock table when the solution is accepted.
Waste from trim is not added to Stock when the solution is accepted.
Solutions are not allowed to be manually modified after being accepted.
Can accept again a solution after being undone.
Shows an error message if a piece is moved to a another sheet of different material.
Pieces list window has been reorganized.
Advanced export of cuts window has been reorganized.
We have released a new version of the Sketchup plugin.
There are no new features in this release. We have only updated it to work with newer versions of the Sketchup (we have tested it with Sketchup 2024).
More details are here, in the help file.
Advanced Export of Cuts is introduced for Alpha testing. It is available by pressing the Cuts button from the 2D Results toolbar. The same format is used in the Statistics | Cuts page. Currently the interface is in English language only.
With this feature you can customize the export of the list of cuts. For instance you can:
Fixed a bug which could crash the application when importing from xlsx or csv in the Parts table.
Fixed a bug where the index row (of Parts and Stock) received incorrect number when an import of data fails.
Fixed a problem where Stock commands Export and Import and Append were not called when the corresponding menu items were clicked.
Fixed a problem where the Stock was not imported (from Excel/CSV) if it did not contain both Length and Width columns.